
Overview of the analysis:

This exercise is to employ different techniques to train and evaluate different machine learning models to predict credit risk with unbalanced classes. Algorithms used in the analysis:


We use balanced accuracy score, confusion matrix and imbalanced classification report to compare results.


< <img src='" alt="Sublime's custom image"/> Sublime's custom image

The balanced accuracy score is 62%.
The high_risk precision is about 1% only with 60% sensitivity which makes a F1 of 2% only.
Due to the imbalanced number of the low_risk population, its precision is almost 100% with a sensitivity of 65%.


<img src='" alt="Sublime's custom image"/> <img src='" alt="Sublime's custom image"/>

The balanced accuracy score is 65%.
The high_risk precision is about 1% only with 64% sensitivity which makes a F1 of 2% only.
Due to the imbalanced number of the low_risk population, its precision is almost 100% with a sensitivity of 66%.
Very similiar result to the previous one.


<img src='" alt="Sublime's custom image"/>

The balanced accuracy score is down to 52%.
The high_risk precision is about 1% only with 59% sensitivity which makes a F1 of 1% only.
Due to the imbalanced number of the low_risk population, its precision is almost 100% with a sensitivity of 46%.

Combinatorial SMOTEENN

<img src='" alt="Sublime's custom image"/>

The balanced accuracy score is 62%.
The high_risk precision is about 1% only with 69% sensitivity which makes a F1 of 2%.
Due to the imbalanced number of the low_risk population, its precision is almost 100% with a sensitivity of 54%.


<img src='" alt="Sublime's custom image"/>

The balanced accuracy score is greatly improved to 79%.
The high_risk precision is about 4% only with 67% sensitivity which makes a F1 of 7%.
Due to a lower number of false positives, its precision is almost 100% with a sensitivity of 91%.


<img src='" alt="Sublime's custom image"/>

The balanced accuracy score is very high at 93%.
The high_risk precision is about 7% only with 91% sensitivity which makes a F1 of 14%.
Due to a lower number of false positives, its precision is almost 100% with a sensitivity of 94%.
